Wednesday, May 28, 2008

An extra 100 calories everyday in a year could lead to a weight gain of 1 kg on average. Doesn't sound like much, but think what happens after 10 years! So if you can cut 100 calories everyday starting now, you can keep your weight under control over the years.

By cutting out 100 calories daily (in excess of what you need) and maintaining the same energy usage, you can shave off 3 kg in one year!! You can also do that little extra to burn the calories off. With these tips, you'll see it's not difficult at all. Remember to balance your intake - so, after eating junk food, reduce the portion size of the next meal to compensate the calories consumed earlier. Eat fruit, which is rich in minerals and fiber, to stay full and reduce cravings."

Cut it out

*Be smart about breakfast. Save 100 calories by spreading 1 tablespoon of all-fruit jam on you toast instead of 11/2 tablespoons of butter, or, cut the peanut butter on your sandwich from 2 to 1 tablespoon. Choose two poached eggs over two fried eggs, and if you're making two slices of French toast, use non-fat milk and egg whites instead.

*Remember that non-diet soft drinks are calories traps. A can alone could add 150 calories, so switch to a lower-calorie alternative. Better still, choose a cold glass of water pepped up with a lemon slice for a big saving in calorie intake.

*Remember some 100-calorie cutting tricks to enjoy sinfully rich hawker fare. When having chicken rice, remove the chicken skin and leave three spoonfuls of rice; if eating nasi lemak, leave a third of the rice on your plate; and with laksa, have the noodles but don't slurp up the coconut-rich gravy!

*Add low-fat - and not the whole milk - to your coffee. You'll drop 100 calories a day if you have your two regular cuppas with skimmed milk.

*Be extra careful about cookies. Just one medium-sized cookie can easily add 100 calories to your day's tally. For some crunch, try an apple instead - it's about the same number of calories but contains more nutrients and fiber.

*Limit your alcohol intake. Dietery guidelines recommend one drink for women and two drinks for men per day. As extra 140-ml glass of red adds 100 calories

Burn it off

*Go biking. If you have a bicycle, just 10 minutes steady cycling will burn off 100 calories. Cycling tones your legs and strengthens your heart too.

*Try walking. You can do it anytime and anywhere. A 15-minute brisk walk burns at least 100 calories. Get off the bus or train a few stops earlier so you can walk the rest of the journey. If you have stairs, use them instead of the lift. They tone your butt and thighs and you burn at least 100 calories in 15 minutes - and this can be accumulated through the day at home and work.

*Dance! It's fun, invigorating and de-stressing. Play your favourite music and dance around your home. Twenty minutes of energetic dancing will improve your heart health, lift your mood and burn those calories

Visit my website at and discover 2 superb weight loss programs that will get you lean and ripped for the rest of your life, not just the next 2 weeks!
